Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence
The judicial system and authorities in Maine treat reports of domestic violence as a serious problem and deal with it quickly. It is against the law for family or household members to: Injure or attempt to injure you; Threaten you so you fear for your physical safety; Force sexual contact against your will; Place you in fear of bodily injury; Use force or the threat of force to get you to do something that you have a right not to do; Restrict your movements or confine you against your will. We can help you defend your rights!
At The Juskewitch Law Firm, we represent clients in Ellsworth, Maine, Hancock and Washington Counties who are facing issues of domestic violence in their household. Whether legitimate or fabricated, an allegation of domestic violence must be dealt with immediately. Contact us at 207-667-0483 to speak with an experienced Maine domestic violence attorney.
If you are suffering from Spousal Assault, Attorney Steve Juskewitch can help, serving Ellsworth, Maine, Hancock and Washington Counties and all of Maine. If you have been falsely accused with Allegations of Spousal Assault, Attorney Steve Juskewitch is here to help you stand against the harassment of a vindictive spouse bent on manipulating the system against you. It is an abuse of the system to present any false or vindictive allegation of domestic violence. This abuse lead to serious civil and criminal consequences. Steven Juskewitch is ready to fight a false allegation for you and get the results you deserve.
The lawyers of The Juskewitch Law Firm has a proven record of producing results in a timely and cost-effective manner. Contact us at 207-667-0483 to speak with an experienced family law attorney.